Tuesday, July 17, 2012

True Blood

What is going on with True Blood? It seems like they have lost complete control of the show. Too many characters, the inability to kill of any major characters and wackier and wackier plots have made his show almost unwatchable. Originally a show about vampires coming out publicly in today's world, other "supes" were slowly introduced. First shapeshifters (or shifters, a person who can shape shift into any animal) then weres (people who change into wolves only) then maenads, witches, ghosts, fairies and now a fire demon. It's getting to be too much. Remember when Vampire Bill was a novelty because Bon Temps had never seen a supernatural being before? Now everyone and everything is supernatural in some way.

Do we really need to devote large plots to minor characters like Terry Bellefluer? He was enjoyable as a supporting character but now we are forced to explore what happened to him in Iraq, how his platoon was cursed and why a fire demon is pursuing them now. Like there isn't enough other things going on? Really?

Or what about Lafayette? One of the most popular characters in the first season now he's just annoying. He somehow has some sort of demonic power or maybe being living inside of him that manifests itself when he gets mad. He killed his witch/shaman boyfriend and now can't control his spiritual powers. This is just another plot that is distracting from the main storyline.

True Blood needs to focus more on Pam, Eric and Bill. Let's explore more of Deborah Ann Woll's Jessica. And if they want to get into side plots with secondary characters then stick with Jason and Andy, they are fun and amusing and I never feel the need to check Twitter or read email while they are onscreen.

Alan Ball is leaving the show after this season and I'm hopeful that the new show runners will bring this back to earth slightly. True Blood is HBO's most popular show and it can be made good again. Producers just need to pare down on some of the characters and tighten up the story lines.

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