Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Brother recap - Live Eviction show

It’s the first live edition of Big Brother 14 and somebody is going home tonight. Will it be the lovely Kara Monaco or Frank, the popular, unemployed player from Florida? It’s been a contentious week in the house and Julie Chen promises a lively show.

We open with the Chenbot, Julie Chen, and then go into a two minute recap of what has happened so far. We get back to Julie and she sums it up one more time in case you fast forward through the recap like I do. I’m not a big fan of the live show since it seem to be very heavy on clips we’ve already seen before. Okay, I think Julie has made sure we are all on the same page now so let’s get on with the show.

After the POV ceremony Frank heads to the HOH room to talk to Willie. It’s uncanny how Willie sounds so much like his brother Russell Hantz here. Frank wants to make sure he is safe and likes Willie. Willie gets his alliance together to discuss their strategy. Wil says Frank is the better ally for them. Britney thinks Dan has magic powers so Kara is a threat. Willie says the biggest difference between the two is that Kara is playing Dan’s game and would nominate some of them if she has the power next week.

Then we see Janelle talking to Dan. She says “these people are stupid” and they want to keep Frank in the game. Britney observes Dan and Janelle talking closely. Cut to one of the blondes (Ashley?) explaining her theory to Willie that the coaches will soon enter the game. Willie says if the coaches come back in the game then they won’t be out for their player’s interests. Well duh, if they are playing the game then they’ll be after their own interests! I think it’s very likely, although somewhat obvious, that the coaches are going to be playing the game at some point. I consider it a bullshit twist since they will have received a free pass for the first few weeks. I like the coach concept but only if they actually stay coaches.

Willie goes outside and announces a house meeting for players only. Janelle stands up and he tells her sorry but no coaches. He goes back in the house and gathers everyone else and they all go to the HOH room. Outside Dan tells Britney that if it was one of his players he would have nixed this meeting. I’m not sure how Dan would have done this. The coaches have no real power of course.

In the HOH room, Willie tells the houseguests that the coaches are pitting them against each other. They are playing for $500,000 for themselves yet they are letting the coaches make all the decisions. They should play the game like the coaches don’t exist. Next Willie advances the theory that the coaches will be allowed into the game at some point. Joe interrupts that he thinks Willie is playing too fast and thinking too far ahead. I mean it’s not like they are playing for half a million dollars or anything! Wil says he is taking a 24 hour break from game talk, I’m shocked because I didn’t realize Wil had any game talk in him.

The meeting is over and Frank says he felt better about his chances before the town meeting. He meets with Willie and is told nothing has changed, they just need to stay strong and stick together. Britney busts into the room and Willie tells her about Wil’s 24 hour break. We are shown a clip in case we forgot what just happened. I thought nothing of this at all but evidently it was a big deal that Willie raised his voice slightly when imitating Wil.

Frank meets with Joe and the tattoo girl. Joe can’t keep his mouth shut and tells how they are supposed to split their vote so it doesn’t look like they are all aligned. Now Frank is getting mad. Says first Willie tells him he won’t be on the block and he is. Then Willie says he will get Frank the votes to stay and now they are splitting them. Well duh, he is a Hantz after all! Frank tells them how Willie mocked Wil in a gay voice and for some reason this really upsets Joe. He is so upset that he takes Wil into the storeroom and tells him that he was being mocked. Wil is outraged. Are they men? I mean, guys break balls. He mocked his voice that’s it. He didn’t do anything else or even say anything negative. Joe was one of my early favorites and has been sliding down ever since.

Ashley (or is it Kara?) defends Willie and says he is a good person. I guess she never saw his big brother on Survivor. She goes and tells Willie what Frank is doing and that he is turning the entire house against him. Willie heads outside and confronts Frank. Tells him that all week long he has been trying to save him. Frank gets defensive and Willie starts getting very angry and shouting. Frank again says that he was told he wouldn’t be nominated then he’s on the block. The arguing goes back and forth and finally Willie blows up yelling, “I hope you go home this week! I hope everyone changes their goddamn votes and you go home cuz you are a shady ****!” (note: I’m not censoring, I really wasn’t sure what was said)

The arguments is getting more heated and now Mike Boogie gets in on it. Boogie wants to know if Willie thinks he is the boss of everyone else. Boogie mocks him and asks the house if they are going to get bullied by Willie Hantz. The whole situation blew up from nowhere, I don’t think Willie is guilty of anything but he let his temper get the best of him. He was running a great game til this point.

Back from commercial and Julie checks in live with the house. The houseguests are gathered in the living room and Julie makes awkward conversation with them. Chenbot asks JoJo about the mood in the house. JoJo says it has been a “little weird and a little tension”. Julie asks Ian if this has lived up to his expectations as a superfan. He says absolutely and somehow resists the urge to kick himself in the face. Now Chenbot asks the guests for some word word answers to describe the last 13 days. Wil says “oh goodness” while Ashley’s one word is “loosey goosey”. Willie Hantz says the one word to describe his reign as HOH is “pressure”. Boogie says it is harder being a coach that a houseguest since you are taking care of three players plus yourself. I don’t agree since it isn’t like the coaches have any real responsibility or power, they can merely give advice and try to influence events.

It’s the nominees last chance to plead their case. Frank gives a good speech and says “nobody should let a bully dictate how they play this game or how you vote. Cuz bullying is not okay outside this house or inside this house.” Kara’s speech is about how she was a honest player. She should say, “I’m a damn Playmate of the Year, keep me in for ratings!”

Chenbot stumbles over the voting instructions and it is time to kick someone out! Danielle votes for Frank, as does Shane. Joe the chef votes for Kara Monaco. Julie points out that Ian is coached by Boogie the same as Frank and Ian casts his vote for the “lovely Kara”. We are tied at 2-2 and it is time for a commercial break. When we come back Chenbot recaps the voting that we literally just watched live. Voting continues with JoJo who Chen points out is strongly aligned with Willie. Sure enough, JoJo votes to evict Frank. It is 3-2 in favor of the Playmate. Jenn the tattoo girl is up and votes Kara, Wil votes Kara and Ashley can create a tiebreaker situation. Instead she votes to evict Kara. Julie breaks the news, 5-3 and Kara Monaco has been evicted from the Big Brother house. She doesn’t look to surprised by the result as she hugs everyone and leaves.

Julie interviews Kara and asks, “you seemed to avoid all the drama this week but here you sit evicted, why do you think?” Kara says people were scared of her coach Dan and the alliance felt threatened by him. She also says being quiet didn’t help her game and she should have talked to everyone sooner. Chenbot plays clips from the houseguests saying goodbye to Kara and everyone is nice except Joe who is a real ass. Julie even mentions that Hugh Hefner tweeted “go Kara”, that is the closest they came to revealing that she is a former Playmate of the Year. I wonder if the houseguests knew at all. I don’t watch the live feeds so I truly don’t know. I know Jodi, the first evicted, said in later interviews that she had no idea but Jodi was only in the house for six hours.

Time for HOH competition, all night long the houseguests were woken up by a breaking news alarm and played clips of a burglar loose in the house. The burglar was doing dumb things like shaving his leg in the bathtub or drinking milk from the container. Outside in the backyard it’s a quiz contest where they have to remember what was shown in the clips. They will be asked a question and have to say whether the burglar was guilty or not guilty to the charge. First the burglar is accused of stealing a carpet tile, he was guilty and everyone got it right. Shane is eliminated on the second question and on the third everyone gets it wrong except Frank and Wil. Fourth question both players are wrong so neither is eliminated. Willie is on the sidelines looking devastated, nothing can be worse for him than having Frank win HOH. Sixth question and Wil is wrong, Frank is the new Head of Household! Willie is on the sidelines looking sicker than Russell Hantz when Natalie White was named sole Survivor. Everyone is celebrating except Willie, he goes back inside the house by himself.

Back from commercial and the houseguests are live inside the house again. Frank says it feels great to win. Willie looks like he may vomit. Boogie is “super elated” that his player is HOH. Julie has some news for the house, stakes are being raised this week and the coach that wins the coaches competition can either keep one of their players safe or trade a player for another coaches player. Everyone is eligible to be traded except Frank since he is HOH.

Interesting night, I don’t see the strategic benefit in keeping Frank over Kara since he is a very strong player and she seemed very weak. Willie is in a very bad spot right now since most of the house is mad at him. I still think that was blown out of proportion but it doesn’t matter what I think since I’m not in the house. It could work in his favor since he is such an obvious target that it actually makes sense to keep him around. Willie could end up playing the Russell game, playing strong but alienating everyone so he cannot win at the end.

Eventually I will do odds for each player to win but it’s still a little too early for that. I like JoJo a lot. Shane has the best shot to win right now. Frank is another huge favorite, they should have gotten him out this week. Wil has no chance to win. Ian and Jenn are big long shots, I can’t see either of them pulling it off. Danielle could be a dark horse, I like her and she seems to be playing under the radar but is likable to the rest of the house. Ashley also has good chances on making it. Joe’s stock is falling with me every time he opens his mouth. I think Willie Hantz will go deep in the game, he may get nominated this week but it’s doubtful he will be evicted. However I see him as having really bad odds on getting the win.

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